
Written on August 19, 2019


Write a stack using your preferred instantiation pattern. Avoid using native array methods i.e., push, pop, and length. Once you’re done, implement a queue using two stacks.


Stack Class

var Stack = function() {
  this.storage = [];
  this.front = 0;
  this.rear = 0;
  this.push = function(value) {
    this.storage[this.rear] = value;

  // remove an item from the top of the stack
  this.pop = function() {
    if (Array.from(arguments)[0] === -1) {
      return this.storage[this.front - 1];
    return this.storage[this.rear + 1];

  // return the number of items in the stack
  this.size = function() {
    return this.rear - this.front;

Queue Class

var Queue = function() {
  // Use two `stack` instances to implement your `queue` Class
  var inbox = new Stack();
  var outbox = new Stack();
  // called to add an item to the `queue`
  this.enqueue = function(value) {

  // called to remove an item from the `queue`
  this.dequeue = function() {
    let item = inbox.pop(-1);
    return item;

  // should return the number of items in the queue
  this.size = function() {
    return inbox.size();

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in the process of becoming the best version of myself