Written on September 3, 2019
Each number key on a standard phone keypad has a set of Latin letters written on it as well:
Businesses often try to come up with clever ways to spell out their phone number in advertisements to make it more memorable. But there are a lot of combinations! Write a function that takes up to four digits of a phone number, and returns a list of all of the words that can be written on the phone with that number. (You should return all permutations, not only English words.)
=> ['APGJ','APGK', 'APGL', ..., // many many more of these 'CSIL']
- Phone numbers are strings! (A phone number can start with a zero.)
- The digits 0 and 1 do not have letters associated with them, so they should be left as numbers.
- Don’t return every combination of those digits in any order, just the order given.
var phoneDigitsToLetters = {
0: "0",
1: "1",
2: "ABC",
3: "DEF",
4: "GHI",
5: "JKL",
6: "MNO",
7: "PQRS",
8: "TUV",
9: "WXYZ"
var telephoneWords = function(digitString) {
let wordsArr = [];
const addDigitLetter = (letter, digit) => {
if (letter.length === digitString.length) {
let digitLetter = phoneDigitsToLetters[digitString[digit]];
for (let i = 0; i < digitLetter.length; i++) {
addDigitLetter(letter + digitLetter[i], digit + 1);
addDigitLetter("", 0);
return wordsArr;
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